Saturday, November 26, 2016

ENS Baby Bath Gel: Baby Bathing Benefits


Although your baby doesn't do the same activities as older children or adults that may warrant daily bathing, she still needs a bath two to three times a week. Babies need regular baths to clean their skin and hair more consistently than being wiped with a cloth after eating or during a diaper change. Baths control excess oil in the hair, clean your baby’s skin from too much moisture and dry the areas between her skin folds.

ENS Baby Bath Gel
Organic Chamomile is a gentle sulphate-free ingredients that is suitable for baby's of all ages. The gel will soothe the skin during bathing, whilst maintaining your baby's natural skin barrier.

Mother & Baby Skin Care - Our extensive collection of Australian-made skin care for baby is rich in certified organic, natural oils and GMO free pure Vitamin E. The ENS range of products are suitable for both mum and babies of all ages.

For more information visit our website at or contact our customer service for more information through email at

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